A few months ago, I came across an article that was very interesting to me, because I love history, art, and vintage black and white photos. The article told the story of a women's belongings sold at an auction house, but very little was known about her and her life, except she had an amazing eye for photography! Since reading the article I searched on-line, and found a little bit more about this amazing street photographer... some beautiful photos! Her name is Vivian Maier, she was born in 1926 and died in 2009. Her work was discovered at an auction house in Chicago,by John Maloof. He acquired her belongings from a storage locker, that was sold off due to delinquent payments, for $400. The discovered work included 100,000 mostly negatives, and thousands of prints, countless undeveloped rolls of film. She lived most of her life in Chicago,worked in a sweat house when she was young, became a nanny for a family, kept to herself and always carried a camera with her and chronicled life on the streets of Chicago! Amazing story!!! Too see more photos check out
Vivian Maier Blogspot.com. Vivan Maier ~
I love this photo ~ it seems to glow
What a great story and truly amazing photos! Love the couple holding hands...
Thanks again for the wonderful surprise you and Cel sent!!!
Hi Junebug girls!
What a remarkable photographer she was, I think it is a shame she was not discovered while she was living. You can see that she had a natural talent.
Thank you for sharing ;-)
I love these pictures! It's like looking through Vivian's eyes and seeing what she saw..she was very observant. Thanks for sharing this story..Lisa ;-)
a certain sadness to this, but I love the black and white pics....is that Marilyn?
Thank you for sharing!!! She was an amazing photographer...I am glad you brought her to us! Love to you both!
That is amazing photgraphy..love the little girls...thanks for sharing! See you soon!
Love this post . . . she truly lived a visual life!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! xoxo - liz
Thanks for sharing this amazing story!
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