August 19 Oliver turned 3. He had a "Monster Birthday Party" at Nana & Papa's home. Many of his family and friends were invited and they all came bringing gifts and love for Oliver. His favorite foods were served, which included gum gum, piz piz, dip dip, chip chip.(We love his little language, every word spoken is said twice.) We made mini pizza's just his size and Judy made him MONSTER Cake Pops, which we'll show on our next post. He didn't eat very much, he was to busy putting on a show for everyone, he is a magical little one to watch, once you meet him it is easy to be magnetically drawn to him. He is loved, loved, loved, and to think what life would be without him would be unimaginable. You see on my birthday June 29, Oliver had a near drowning experience, he somehow...which we will never know, fell into the pool. He was out of our sight for only a few minutes, when Celia found him and pulled him out of the pool, he was not breathing and was very, very blue, she began administering CPR. I remember his little toes were curled up and it was the worst feeling one could ever imagine. Time seemed to stop, minutes... felt like hours, he began coughing and spiting up,and then to hear him cry, we felt so blessed, a miracle happened.... You can imagine all the different scenarios one would be thinking.... we are so thankful and blessed. Thankful that angels surrounded him that day, and blessed more than words could ever say. This was a life changing experience for our entire family.I believe this experience was a blessing, and a miracle for all of us close to Oliver.Everything we need is right here----in this moment. So happy to hear my grandchild's laugh and cry and to just enjoy a simple life!
xo Love + Blessings
Nana Glad
My favorite ~ when Oliver says "Hey Dude"