CAKE ~ created by the amazing talented Erica Paris and Lana Neuman of deja neu

Junebug Furniture and Design...Our Space

Myself and Celia

Me and My Man...behind every women, there's a strong man!!!

Hope you enjoy some of our treasures that we gathered for the Farm Chicks Show

deja neu ~ Eric and Lana....our neighbors, we had a blast with them, sooo funny!!!

The Quintessential ~ Queen of Tarte

Auntie Joy ~ She made our weekend PERFECT!! She will be coming to 'The Mad Hatter Vintage Flea Market' in October....It will be here before you know it!!

Tim and Lisa ~ blue canoe...Our new friends, amazingly talented artists...

Amanda, Myself, Cindy ~ Happy Endings...The Sweetest girls ever!!!

Ann Holton ~ she will be joining us again for The Second 'Mad Hatter', Ann won best costume last year!!! Can't wait to see what she will be wearing this year.

Funky Junk ~ Myself, Holly, Celia ~ Our too sweet Holly will be joining us at 'Mad Hatter' and bringing all her cuteness that she fills her booth with!!!!

Bella ~ Sue, a very talented seamstress, her shopping carts were gorgeous!!

Bob and Debbie ~ Retreat By Kennedy, their booth was so inviting, very dreamy...

Susan Wheeler Home ~ If you are ever in the Seattle area, stop by and see her beautiful shop, 5516 Airport Way South, Seattle, WA

Luluz ~ amazing, talented artist will be coming to 'The Mad Hatter' in October too!!!

Nancy and Sally ~ Forget Me Nots Love, Love Love anything and everything these ladies do!

Patricia Mackey ~ tippy stockton, we loved her color scheme!

Thank you Mike Lee for the FABULOUS Pictures!!!
We Are Still Floating on Cloud Nine! Farm Chicks was an extraordinary show, it was bliss.... Fabulous Vendors, Friends, Happy Customers, and a Celebration at Chaps to end a Perfect Day. Our blissful weekend seemed just to wonderful for words, So, all we can say is Thank You, Serena for working hard for all of us!!! Glad & Celia
I don't know what happened... but for some reason pictures are a little kitty wampus!! I'm sure its something I did when scanning pictures:)