Circus water glasses, thank you for thinking of us Fielding, we love them!
New tote bag designs....

Simple Pleasures

Fork Chandelier for your kitchen....

These friends are awesome!!!! We want to keep them just the way they are forever!!!

Funky Junk Hollie & Jennifer!!
Photos ~ Cary Burnett Photography ~ Love her work!!!
It was one of our BEST Funky Junk Shows we have ever had!
Thank you to all the wonderful customers that came and shopped, and visited with us. We loved seeing all of you. We were fortunate to have beautiful weather over the Funky Junk weekend, making it perfect for the first urban market!
One of the best parts of the show, was listening to customers, as they remember a cherished belonging, so many wonderful memories were shared with us, we love being a part of bringing a moment of pleasure to someone.
xox Glad & Cel