We would love to share a little story with you about this amazing event called 'The Farm Chicks Antiques Show' ~ held in Spokane, WA., June 4 & 5. The promoter of the show, Serena Thompson brings together a wonderful mix of antique and vintage vendors from many parts of the United States. This event has grown from a very small event to now a thriving, growing, much anticipated and needed event in Spokane. We love Serena's passion for vintage and handcrafted goods. The Farm Chicks is truly an inspiration to us!!!
Now, we would love to share a bit of our booth space with you. We chose to be in the BLUE this year, with Blue Boy, Blue Lockers, Blue Cupboards, many other blue treasures.
We enjoy this show so much...from visiting with other vendors to all the shoppers with happy faces, carrying big heavy bags, pulling carts and wagons filled to the brim and overflowing with treasures and lots of oohs and aahs...lots and lots of hugs and kisses to old and new friends. We love it all!!!
Early morning photos of my sweet daughter, Celia and myself

The house that Junebug built...thanks honey for loving me and building me & Cel our house

Always room for candy

Blue oil cans

Fork and Spoon Chandeliers ~ My friend, Deb Green from Madelines purchased the Spoon Chandelier for the entry of her restaurant, can't wait to see how sweet it will look!


My silly Celia ~ She can always make me laugh!!

Photos courtesy of Mike Lee