The Blessings of friends ~A new friend was born today, Celeste & Oliver... so cute, and he is soooo in love with her!!! "More pictures please", says Oliver.

This story begins with two little people, that are so precious to me, and I'am so in love with...hope you will be too.
But, Ava these almond croissants are soooo yummmy good!

OK, Oliver I totally agree...but we are here for Serena's Christmas Book Signing!!!
There are so many yummmy treats in her book,and we can make them at home!! Can't wait to try the Chocolate Mint Cookies!!!!

Ava, I'm listening, please tell me more about Serena's Christmas Book!!!

Well, Oliver, I do have to say, these are the best croissants I've ever eaten too, but, I'm thinking about getting a few Christmas Books for gifts for friends and my family, they would make fabulous gifts, don't you think???!!!!

Ava, did you taste the jam, it's good too! Oh! Yes!!! I do think the books would be great for gifts! Now, lets go take a look at the book signing party.

The Book Signing many friends!! There's always laughter with these ladies....Serena, Sally and Nancy

What a fun group of friends...Celeste, Sal, Nancy holding our new friend Glenn, his mom Jennifer, Serena & Kris!!!

What a fun time we had at Chaps today, we hope you start this magical holiday season with friends, they are the threads that help hold our lives together.Take a friend to tea or coffee, laugh and enjoy each others company. But, most of all, let them know how much you love them.
XOXO Oliver & Ava